How it began…
In April of 2018, I was on vacation with my mom in Tulum, Mexico and divine intervention (and a picturesque view) led us to a charming little Italian restaurant where we met a charismatic and magnetic Frenchman. His name was Sebastian and he had our undivided attention. Floating from table to table, he took a seat and lingered at ours. He riffed off the evening’s specials and was able to sustain the back and forth b.s. with us in a very enlivened way.
Curious, questions poured out. “Who are you?” "How did you get here?”
We learned Sebastian had been living in a converted school bus traveling around the States and Mexico. He was a gambler. That’s how he made his living. His life looked good. His life looked exciting. He said one simple thing that changed the course of my life in a small, but not really small at all, kind of way.
“I live life doing what I want to do. I’m not sure how many people can say that about theirs.”
Stopped in my tracks and guilty as charged. I definitely wasn’t living a life I admired. I was in a perpetual waiting, but for what?
I came home one morning and awoke to a not-so-quiet voice in my head saying, “BUY A CAMERA.” I wasn’t a photographer, but when you hear a voice that loud, you listen. Over the next couple months I was led. Steps led to ideas, and eventually to the road - hungry for adventure, great conversation and for like-minded people who were living a life that more closely resembled one I fantasized living.