Danielle: Did you ever think about failing? 

Rudy: That’s my biggest fear.  Having to face the bus breaking down somewhere and what that would mean. Or something major happening that would cause us to not move forward.  

Danielle: And what about other people’s thoughts and opinions? 

Rudy: When so many people are used to doing things a certain way,  living in a house, working a 9-5, getting up, dropping your kids off at school, driving from here to there, nobody questions that, because everybody does that. Once you do something that’s off the beaten path, you get a lot of the concerns, questions and fears that aren’t yours, but then sometimes you don’t know which ones are yours, which ones are theirs.

Having an inner guidance, that’s why we get up every day and meditate, so we get clear and stick to our vision. We told each other if one of us wasn’t interested, changes their mind or has big fears, we’d pause and really check to make sure we’re on the same page so we knew we were both doing it for the same reasons and respect each of our processes of dealing with big fears that come up along the way. 

Kelly: “If we wait for someday, someday is never going to come. Like for so many of us, life went by and we didn’t even live any of it. We have to create that freedom for ourselves.”

It’s totally scary. We’re going up against the mind, which is conditioned to keep us safe, protect us and stay comfortable. All of that fear is an illusion and what we keep finding is as we walk through each layer of fear, we’re totally supported and safe and it’s all ok. And we’re experiencing freedom, so it’s been worth it.  

Rudy: Stay open-minded to what’s possible because the kind of world we live in today, if you have an idea of a way to live, you can research it and find somebody doing it and they’ll have blogs, a website, youtube channel, doing the exact thing you’re interested in doing. 

“Breaking down the conditioned mind that says that’s not possible, there’s no way I can do that, and then seeing someone that’s actually doing it, really shifted my thinking.’’

I really could not conceive how a family like ours, two adults, two kids and two dogs live in a converted bus. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around that. So I would watch other families doing it and realize oh maybe it is possible.

The Castros, USA

A friend connected Kelly and I through Facebook. She was leading a women’s group and was looking for a sound healer, my name was mentioned. We spoke of our soon to be adventures and in admiration of hers, she graciously invited me in to learn more.

Danielle: How did you guys you end up here? 

Kelly: We didn’t know how we wanted to change our lifestyle but knew it was about living more simply, more with the earth, with the planet and with each other. 

“We were doing this year after year until we went to Thailand and were reminded of how we wanted to live. So we came back and we’re standing in our garage and that’s when we decided we needed to make the change.’’

We didn’t know what that meant and how we were going to do it and we thought about buying a converted school bus and going on the road.  We spent the next five months downsizing our lives, leaving our jobs, unplugging and getting into the bus. Now we are here in our first week, getting used to it. 

Danielle: How’s the adjustment been?

Kelly: The transition was super intense. The shedding of not just the stuff, the stuff was a physical representation of all the emotional stuff and everything that went with it, but then getting here, it’s just been amazing. It feels so good and how we’re meant to live, just a more simple way.

Rudy: We have to stay really present and look at what can be done today, because if I’m looking at all the things that could happen or need to be done, I can’t get anything done and I am stuck in fear. We have to be so focused on what’s in front of us because we have nothing else to worry about.

We started looking at this digital nomad way of living and seeing so many people were doing it and finding ways to be mobile and still be sort of plugged in. We’re finding that balance of being able to create money online.