A lot of people say to me, I would like your life. It’s a good life. I tell them, you like the life you see, but I’m not sure you could live the life I have.’’

The problem is like everything. When people want to make a diet, they stop everything totally from one extreme to another. It’s the same when you want to change your life. You have to be careful. If you want to change totally and be happy like this, then do it. But sometimes it’s good to change slowly, and maybe not totally. I’m on the road all the time and it’s not so easy, really. Everybody tells me ah, you’re lucky to do that. They don’t know. They think they could, but they couldn’t most of them,  because after two-three-four months, they’ll fear what can happen.  They need more structure and more routine. 

“The first step is to know who you are and what makes you really happy. Sometimes what makes me happy, is not what I imagine. You need to do a lot of introspection. Don’t lie.’’

It’s very difficult to change in a glimpse. You need time. Go slowly and after, you’ll arrive at what you like most. My life is changing year by year, month by month, I’m changing all the time. My plan’s not the same two years ago as it is now. I was supposed to stay in a bus, traveling and now I’ve spent 5 months in Tulum working. It’s less adventure but I’m happier, so it’s cool. You have to accept who you are and what you like. 

Sebastian, France

Meet Sebastian. The first person I interviewed and the catalyst for the beginning of my new story. Unapologetic and impassioned, he was French.

Danielle: Sebastian, tell me your thoughts on travel and living like you do.

Sebastian: You’re in your routine of life and in your control zone. Things will happen, you’re not surprised. But when you always go out of your comfort zone…. I don’t know even a zone, I don’t HAVE a zone, anything can happen, at any time. Sometimes good surprises and sometimes f*cking bad surprises. But, most of the time, the bad surprises become very good memories.

Once I was in the middle of nowhere and it was a very dangerous place because it was where all the cartels are in Mexico. I stopped my bus for two hours to sleep and when I woke up my bus was not working anymore. Most people would be like ah f*ck, and me! I thought it was funny. I fixed the pI met guys who took me to different places, we found the pieces, fixed the bus and I went to their home and took a drink, left, and now it’s a good memory. But for most people, they’d be afraid and it wouldn’t be a good memory.